
The federal transportation law SAFETEA-LU requires that all states complete a Georgia Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP).

Georgia’s SHSP was completed and adopted by Governor Perdue in October, 2006. The Governor appointed an Executive Committee made up of senior officials from GDOT, Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS), Department of Driver Services, Department of Public Safety, and other similar state agencies, which will be prioritizing safety funding based on the recommendations in each of these Safety Action Plans. They must address the “4 Es” – engineering, enforcement, education, and emergency medical services. The bicycle and pedestrian plan will also incorporate two more “Es” – encouragement (to encourage more people to walk and bike) and evaluation (to measure the success in achieving goals).


**A new Georgia law went into effect July 1, 2011 stating you must leave at least three feet of room when passing cyclists on the road.